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Sacramento elder neglect attorney reaches settlement for senior citizen who was allowed to choke to death on a hotdog

January 30, 2024 — Dudensing Law has retrieved $625,000 on behalf of a victim who choked to death while under the care of a Stockton assisted living facility. Dudensing Law discovered an untrained and overworked staff running the facility. The case involved an 88-year-old woman who was not given access to her dentures and given a whole hot dog to consume unsupervised. When the victim choked and lost consciousness, staff failed to intervene with the Heimlich maneuver. Instead, the assisted living facility staff waited for an EMT to arrive who was able to easily dislodge the food from her airway. This failure on the facility’s part caused the victim to die within days.

$1.25 million elder neglect settlement against Auburn skilled nursing facility for severe dehydration

December 22, 2023 — The victim’s son knew his father needed some assistance with personal care and hydration but otherwise was an alert and relatively healthy 83-year-old man. The skilled nursing facility in question promised to provide physical exercise and protect this elderly man’s hydration levels. Instead, the victim’s health took a rapid and sharp decline in the coming days after his admission to the facility. Attorney on the case, Ed Dudensing, found that the facility was hiding their bad behavior under COVID-19 restrictions which prohibited visits from family. After just 39 days, the victim’s son received a shocking call that his father was on his death bed. The victim was rushed to the hospital by family, but complications from severe dehydration had taken its toll and the man tragically died. Top elder abuse attorney, Ed Dudensing, found that the skilled nursing facility was responsible for neglecting the victim’s basic needs to stay alive and vital.

Dudensing Law reaches $2 million settlement in connection with the neglect of two assisted living facilities leading to a client massive overdosing on Tylenol

September 9, 2023 — Ed Dudensing announced today that his office has reached settlement with two Sacramento area assisted living facilities in connection with their neglect of his elderly client. Shortly after her admission to the assisted living facility, the victim suffered a significant fall. The assisted living center’s failure to manage their client’s resulting pain set into motion catastrophic mental and physical consequences for her.

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California Attorney Ed Dudensing secures significant recovery against understaffed, negligent skilled nursing facility

July 6, 2023 — Ed Dudensing delivered plaintiffs a $1.5 million recovery on behalf of a gentleman who wrongly suffered multiple injuries and death. Dudensing revealed that the skilled nursing facility kept admitting residents despite their understaffing issues which resulted in an elderly man’s rapid decline in health and painful death. Staff did not respond to victim’s recurring urinary tract infections, pressure sores, delirium, and massive weight loss. The issues compounded as he was given a sleep sedative that increased his risk of falling. The victim suffered frequent falls that further injured him even though the family was promised a sitter to prevent falls. Mr. Dudensing revealed that staff failed to provide plaintiffs with the sitter, which resulted in more falls and complications from his neglected ailments. Because of this abhorrent treatment, the victim was unable to make a recovery and died within weeks.

$2 million settlement attained by elder neglect lawyer for dehydration, c-diff, and death from unsanitary conditions in a Placerville skilled nursing facility

July 5, 2023 — Dudensing Law delivered justice on behalf of an El Dorado County woman who died of sepsis from a clostridium difficile infection that she acquired while in the care of a Placerville skilled nursing facility. The elder abuse attorneys uncovered that unsanitary conditions, neglect, and severe dehydration were the cause of her death. Attorneys found out that the victim complained of not being given fresh water every day. Additionally, she suffered recurring infections including pneumonia. Shockingly, Dudensing Law found that she was given only one shower during the nearly two months in their care.

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Dudensing Law reaches settlement against for-profit skilled nursing facility responsible for preventable choking incident that led to death

June 30, 2023 — The owners of multiple skilled nursing facilities agreed to pay $975,000 on behalf of a deceased man who choked to death while under care. Dudensing Law found that the patient had a clear care plan in place to ensure safe eating. The facility was aware of the victim’s need for monitored food intake prior to admittance, but these needs were ignored by staff.

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Jury Awards $30 Million in Nursing Home Suit

January 24, 2023
Originally published by

On January 24th, a Sacramento jury returned verdicts totaling in excess of $30 million against the owners of Pine Creek Care Center and their various corporate entities. The Superior Court jury returned a verdict of $5.9 million in compensatory damages, and a $25 million verdict for punitive damages. Elder abuse attorney Ed Dudensing argued that the facility and its owners prioritized profits over patient care, implementing staff cuts that made the nursing home unsafe for residents.

“We hope and pray that both the nursing home and the private equity industries will receive the message sent by the jury that it is simply wrong to prioritize profits over patient care,” Dudensing said.

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Assisted living chain pays $1.75 million for elder victim’s repeated falls and deadly injuries from stroke

December 2, 2022 — Settlement was reached today by elder neglect attorney Ed Dudensing and a large area assisted living facility chain. Before admission to the assisted living facility, the victim had an overall positive demeanor and lived a healthy, independent life. The victim’s family hoped to preserve her good health with more activities and monitoring as was promised by the facility. Instead, staff cut corners with her hygiene, bathing her only once a week despite the family paying for 3-4 showers a week. Her health declined rapidly as the assisted living facility failed to carry out its contracted duties to protect her from falling.

The victim suffered numerous falls and staff neglected to respond appropriately. One incident resulted in her hitting her head. Staff ignored the victim’s subsequent complaints that her head was hurting, suggesting it was simply allergies. Eventually, Mr. Dudensing’s investigation revealed that she had suffered bleeding in the brain from one of her falls. Had staff responded in a timely manner, the victim may not have suffered the multiple cognitive issues in the coming months. The neurological damage from the head injury caused the victim to suffer severe cognitive decline and further complications including multiple strokes.The victim, then bedbound, suffered another massive stroke and was left without medical intervention for over six hours. The damage that resulted from this neglect led to her death. This facility tried to put profits over people and Dudensing Law brought the victim’s family the justice they deserved.