$2 million settlement attained by elder neglect lawyer for dehydration, c-diff, and death from unsanitary conditions in a Placerville skilled nursing facility
July 5, 2023
Dudensing Law delivered justice on behalf of an El Dorado County woman who died of sepsis from a clostridium difficile infection that she acquired while in the care of a Placerville skilled nursing facility. The elder abuse attorneys uncovered that unsanitary conditions, neglect, and severe dehydration were the cause of her death. Attorneys found out that the victim complained of not being given fresh water every day. Additionally, she suffered recurring infections including pneumonia. Shockingly, Dudensing Law found that she was given only one shower during the nearly two months in their care.
Dudensing attorneys revealed that the responsible parties ignored their obligations to notify a doctor or the victim’s family to address her raging infections and extreme dehydration. After an eventual visit to the ER, she was discharged back to the facility and tragically died within a matter of hours from sepsis.